Alfred Gallery is created and maintained by the Alfred team.
As the official source for Alfred workflows, the Gallery provides an easy way to discover Workflows created by our amazing community, as well as safely install and update them.
Alfred Workflows are a way to extend Alfred's features, allowing you to get things done your way by speeding up repetitive tasks, and integrating with your favourite Mac apps and services.
You can create your own Workflows or browse the Gallery to find workflows created by the Alfred team and the community.
To use Alfred's Workflows, you'll need to download Alfred and activate your Powerpack license. You can buy a Powerpack license if you don't have one yet.
Ensure you're using the latest Alfred update, as some workflows are optimised for the newest features.
Workflows installed from the Gallery can be updated directly from Alfred Preferences > Workflows. Workflows which are up-to-date display a star icon while outdated workflows show an upward arrow
. To update, right-click the workflow and choose
Update from the Alfred Gallery
Yes. Your feed reader should be able to detect the available feeds from the URL of any Gallery page. The Gallery keeps feeds for New Workflows and Updated Workflows.
See the Submit page.
There are no changes necessary to your release style. As long as you keep it consistent (e.g. GitHub releases), new versions will be detected and updated in the Gallery. Users can then update the workflow from inside Alfred Preferences or the Alfred Gallery workflow.
Updates are reflected in the Gallery typically in under twenty-four hours. This period allows for the short feedback loop where a workflow creator adds a requested feature, it's tested and kinks are ironed out, then it's released. This way we avoid more people getting the intermediary version and can serve the known good one.
Even if a user installs your workflow from outside the Gallery, Alfred knows it's the same one and will let them continue updating to the Gallery versions.
Let us know via the "Edit Page" link in the workflow's Gallery page so we can try to expedite it.
Let us know via the "Edit Page" link in the workflow's Gallery page.
Let us know via the "Edit Creator" issue template.