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Rich Snippets

Save and search rich snippets

Version 2024.2 by Alfred Team


Copy rich text, images, and other special data from the clipboard with the richsave keyword followed by your snippet name.

Saving rich data to the clipboard

Restore a snippet to the clipboard and paste it to the frontmost app with the richsnip keyword. Use to delete a snippet.

Restoring rich data from the clipboard

Configure the Hotkeys for faster triggering.

Triggering Like Regular Snippets

You can paste rich snippets like the others by creating a new workflow with a Snippet Trigger. Connect it to an Arg and Vars Utility with the name of the snippet as the Argument. Finally, connect it to a Call External Trigger Output referencing restore_snippet in this workflow.

There is an example you can copy at the bottom of the Workflow canvas.

Example for using a snippet trigger