Workflow Icon

Unit Converter

Convert between different units of measurement

Version 2024.2 by Alfred Team

This workflow requires macOS 13 or later.


Convert dimensions via the conv keyword. Type a number to see all available units with their full name and symbol.

Typing a number

Type a unit to filter.

Filtering for starting unit

Pressing on a partial match triggers the autocomplete. See all possible conversion targets when matching a unit exactly.

Showing all possible conversions

Type further to filter for target units. Connector words (“to”, “as”, “in”) are optional to help with readability. Rounding precision and notation can be set in the Workflow’s Configuration.

Filtering for ending unit

  • Copy result to clipboard.
  • Paste result to frontmost app.

Output format follows the Number Style in System Settings → General → Language & Region. The thousands separator is optional and can be turned on in the Workflow’s Configuration.

Configure the Hotkey or use the Universal Action as shortcuts to convert results from Alfred’s Calculator, Clipboard History, or selected text.

Universal Action