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Encode, Decode, Generate, and Format Text

Version 1.7.4 by Kai-Chu Chung

This workflow contains a 3rd party signed binary.


Transform and generate text via the workflow’s keywords:

  • encode Encode string to Base64, URL and HTML.
  • decode Decode string from Base64, URL and HTML.
  • hash Generate text hash.
  • imgbase64f Search for images and generate Base64 encoding.
  • checksumf Search for files and generate checksum.
  • uuid Generate UUID.
  • li Generate Lorem ipsum (words, sentences, paragraphs).
  • qr code Generate QR code.
  • cc Change text case.
  • nb command Conversion base between decimal, hex, octal and binary.
  • json format Format or minify JSON.
  • time Convert date format.

Text in your clipboard will be used by default. Type to convert something else. Press to copy the result to the clipboard.

Encode text

Generate Lorem ipsum

Generate QR Code

Decode JWT files or generate image hashes via the Universal Actions.

Images Universal Actions

JWT Universal Actions