This Workflow is deprecated
We recommend ChatGPT / DALL-E as an alternative.

This workflow requires API Key from OpenAI.
🗒 Note from Alfred Team
Language models often give wrong information. Verify answers if they are important.
Talk with ChatGPT via the cf
keyword. Answers will show as Large Type.
↩: Send prompt. ⌘↩: Talk to unlocked ChatGPT. ⌥↩: Save prompt for later.
Alternatively, use the Universal Action, Fallback Search, or Hotkey.
To generate text with InstructGPT models and see results in-line, use the cft
- ↩ Nothing by default. Set one or more actions in the Workflow’s Configuration.
- ⌘↩ Show reply in Large Type.
- ⌥↩ Speak reply.
- ⇧↩ Save conversation to file.
- ⌃↩ Copy reply to clipboard.
Generate images with DALL·E 2 via the cfi