Workflow Icon

Bookmark Vault

Organise bookmarks in markdown files

Version 1.3.1 by Yuri Mazursky


Set a folder to save your lists in the Workflow’s Configuration.

Create a new list via the bk keyword.

Crating a new list


Add items to one of your lists via the bkadd keyword, or add the frontmost browser tab with bktab.

Adding item to list

Adding browser tab

Showing lists to add

View your lists via the bk keyword.

Viewing lists

  • ↩︎ Open list.
  • ↩︎ Open list file in text editor.
  • ↩︎ Show checked items.
  • ↩︎ Delete list.

Viewing items

  • ↩︎ Open list item. URLs are opened in the browser and plain text is used in web search.
  • ↩︎ Convert item to checkbox or plain item.
  • ↩︎ Check or uncheck checkbox item.
  • ↩︎ Delete item.