This workflow requires displayplacer.
Alfred can help manage Homebrew dependencies once the workflow is installed.
Search for available displays with the resolution
keyword. Select a display to modify its resolution.
- ↩ Show resolutions for selected display.
- ⌘↩ Open Displays settings in System Settings.
Select a resolution to activate it, or add a new resolution to favourites. Resolutions must be favourited before they can be activated.
- ↩ Activate favourited resolution.
- ⌃↩ Delete favourited resolution.
- ⇧↩ Return to Display Selection.
Choose from the list of available resolutions to add as a favourite. Type to filter. The current resolution is always listed first.
- ↩ Add resolution to favourites.
- ⇧↩ Return to Favourites Selection.
Configure the Hotkey as a faster shortcut to change resolutions.
When adding favourites, it may be easier to first set the resolution in System Settings, then favourite the current resolution from the workflow as shown above.