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WHOIS Lookup

Perform a WHOIS lookup

Version 2025.3.2 by FireFingers21


Perform a WHOIS lookup via the whois keyword. Type the domain or IP address you would like to query.

Using the whois keyword

  • View WHOIS data in Alfred’s Text View.
  • View raw WHOIS data in a text file.

Autocomplete previous lookups by pressing tab or selecting from the search suggestions. This can be toggled in the Workflow’s Configuration. By default, the first suggestion will be tab-completed.

Showing autocompletion

The Text View can summarize important information above the raw WHOIS data and is customisable.

Querying with summary

Querying without summary

  • Open raw WHOIS data in a text file.
  • Refresh WHOIS data (Lookups are cached for an hour).

Configure the Hotkey as a shortcut to perform a WHOIS lookup. Use the Universal Action to query URLs from Alfred’s Clipboard History or selected text.

Using the Universal Action