Search and open 1Password items
Search and create notes in
OpenAI integrations
Get in-line Google search suggestions
Pause audio and video in web browser tabs
Trash Data and Cache folders of uninstalled workflows
Open Websites on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine
Move or copy files to the frontmost Finder window
Open macOS System Settings Panes
Run installed macOS shortcuts
Backup and view Clipboard History text items
Query the WolframAlpha answer engine
Add tasks to to-do lists and view them
Search Workflows on the Alfred Gallery
Close notification alerts
Get placeholder images for design and code
Test your internet connection
Convert between different units of measurement
Link to web pages and highlight text fragments
Convert between different currencies
List File Stream contents from Google Drive
Import and Export Alfred Snippet Collections
Navigate the file system with previews
View differences in text, files, and directories
Get the full path to executables in your PATH
Mount and unmount disk partitions
Add a tapback reaction to the current message
Toggle Low Power Mode for Battery or Power Adapter
Open Unix Manual Pages
Compress images via TinyPNG
Fast workflow interactions for creators
See available disk space in all volumes
Create and restore Alfred Preferences backups
Find and open Mac automation dictionaries
Find, Unmount, and Trash DMGs
Convert .heic images to .jpeg
Filter through thousands of Netflix genres
Exclude files and folders from Alfred’s search results
Get in-line Google Scholar search suggestions
Get in-line Amazon search suggestions
Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space
Change between Light and Dark Mode
Create shortcuts to Homebrew formula app bundles
Shorten and expand URLs
Save and search rich snippets
Share files, text, and URLs via AirDrop
Set a reminder to get focused for a set amount of time
Search all fields in a Contacts card
Choose a folder, then search for files within it
Search for folders within your home folder
Open a trailer in YouTube, details in IMDB & ratings in Rotten Tomatoes
Paste your clipboard content as plain text from a hotkey
Launch a URL in 3 different browsers at once
Ask any question to the Magic 8 Ball